Simone's Favourite Stories of 2014

What a year it’s been here at Beautie HQ.

So much has happened that it’s hard to believe that it’s only eight months since our relaunch. And while my personal highlight has to be the support and positivity that you ladies gave me on my fitness journey, I thought I’d take a look back at what else was going on and to pick my three favourite article from the year.

First up is Laura’s piece about Makeup Shopping Etiquette. This article sparked off a lot of conversation.  How very DARE you judge us in our tracksuits! ;)

final beautie awards

Second has to be the Beautie Awards 2014 results. It was great to see a 100% unbiased poll on what the women of Ireland are popping into their shopping baskets. I wonder how many of them will make the cut next year?

Abandon all hope ye who enter here Abandon all hope ye who enter here

And last but not least, Ciara’s hilarious take on a shopping trip to Penneys. I think I ticked every box!


And because it’s Christmas I’m giving myself the liberty of choosing an extra one, tis the season to be greedy. So a special mention goes out to the new ‘Get the Look’ Saturday articles by Laura. She has saved my makeup bacon on a number of weekends with them and I’ll definitely be copying her Christmas look this festive season!

Here’s to a BEAUTIE-FUL 2015!


What were your favourite articles of 2015? Are you more interested in tutorials or do you love you some fitness and health? To the comments!

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