Here's A Short Guided Meditation To Help Recharge Your Mind

You don't need us to tell you it's a stressful time in the world, so let's just sidestep that chat and go straight to what you can do to mind yourself amidst it all.

Staying home, obviously, but being at home all day and for days on end can take its toll. Especially if you're struggling to get some me-time.

We have all heard how great meditation is for slowing down and calming the mind, but it can often seem like a challenge in itself to just sit down and take the time to do it.

In the video below, yoga teacher Lia Carr will take you through a short guided meditation where you can get a taste for just how powerful a practice it can be.

"Meditation has changed my life," says Lia. "It’s the quickest access to a safe space within myself that I know I can go to any time. It takes time to cultivate this for yourself but the quickest way is just through daily practice. A few minutes, even seconds, every day to build the habit is a great place to start. Consistency is the secret."

Even if this isn't something you want to commit to every day, we can almost guarantee that no matter your mood, you will be all the better for doing this quick meditation below.


Why? Well it's "because of the physiological impact on your central nervous system", says Lia.

"Deep mediation through breathing stimulates the vagus nerve in our brains which slows our heart rates. This calming effect on the body lasts much longer than the actual meditation.

"It reduces stress in the body, calms our central nervous system and ultimately boosts our immune systems! We all need this at the moment."

At just under 10 minutes long, it's something lovely you can do for yourself today and don't you deserve all the lovely things? You do.


To hear more from Lia, you can follow her on Instagram here.

You can also join Lia's weekly yoga and meditation classes on Zoom. Yoga is at 7 pm on Monday evenings while she also does a free mediation class at 9.30 am on Saturdays. You can contact Lia for more information at

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