It wouldn’t be the first time our minds have been blown by the revelation of how to pronounce a brand name.
Consider, for example, when it turned out that sports brand Adidas is actually pronounced A-di-das instead of a-DEE-das.
Now we know how we’re meant to pronounce the name of clothing and accessories company Primark (also commonly known as Penneys).
It’s a debate that has plagued us for years and has found newfound life over the last few days on Twitter:
Does anybody pronounce Primark 'preemark'? (Shut up @k0nstantinex)
— daniel (@dnjmsprry) August 1, 2017
my mum says primeark instead of preemark, I think I'm adopted
— michael (@kickthetradgedy) August 12, 2017
Didn't realise there was even a debate on the pronunciation of Primark?! It's definitely *PREYEMARK* not *PREEMARK* #primark
— Anna (@Baroquechick86) August 14, 2017
People are saying they say "prEYEmark" what the heck is that
Or am I just missing a joke SO CONFUSED
— cait (@paperheartseb) February 10, 2017
The one thing I can't cope with about living here is how everyone says 'preemark' not 'primark' ??? THAT'S NOT HOW YOU SAY IT
— Steff Ellis (@stefyjane) August 9, 2017
It's pronounced Primark not Primark
— kesha (@lovetokesharose) August 14, 2017
Everyone knows #Primark is pronounced "cov-fe-fe"
— Laura Stupple ? (@StuppleLaura) August 15, 2017
In response to being asked about the conundrum on its website, the clothing brand cleared the air and responded: "That's a very good question. We like to use Pr-Eye-Mark."
So there you have it.
How do you pronounce Primark? Will you be changing how you pronounce it after this big reveal? Let us know in the comments.