Tis a truth often acknowledged that the 80s were a bit of a decade we'd like to forget about. Probably lovely and retro now for kids born after 1990, but as I was a teenager in the 80s, some of the memories are a little ... painful. Snow washed denim, day-glo everything, tight white lace, batwings, the advent of lycra and no one having a bogs notion how to wear it, are just some fashion don'ts we're seeing again (and I firmly blame super-sexist Dov Charney for the latter).
But that's without even mentioning the makeup: mirror-shiny panstick, frosted pink lipstick, unruly eyebrows and blue mascara were the order of the day. No one knew anything about 'beauty rules' 25 years ago and it was highly assumed - nay, expected - that one would team one's bubble perm with oil-slick base, three inches of purple and mauve eye makeup AND red lipstick.
It's not for nothing that Joan Collins circa Dynasty is my style icon.
Last week, the horror was resurrected in the form of preview pix of the forthcoming Sex and the City sequel, in which there's some flashback scenes showing the gals as they once were. Pictured above are younger-incarnation Miranda, Samantha and Carrie, all apparently catching sight of themselves in a mirror for the first time. And not liking what they see.
So lets have a poll - is there anything from the decade taste forgot that you like? Vote below and leave us a comment too!
[polldaddy poll="1984122"]