La Palin has proved a rich source of material for us beaut.ies in the run-up to the US presidential election. In fact, the whole shebang has been a bit of a mine of beauty-related news.
John Edwards was lambasted for throwing down $400 (€308) on a haircut and John McCain was equally lampooned for shelling out $5000 (€3855). Now Sarah Palin's turn has come and she's being put through the media mill for her $13,200 (€10,181) monthly spend on the services of her makeup artist, Amy Strozzi. Still got nawwtin' on Bertie, though!
I have to say, if I was a pro makeup artist working on such a high-profile client, I'd be asking for the same - and in fact, it actually works out at about $440 ( €339) per day if you divide by 30. Doesn't seem quite so shocking now, eh?