RTÉ yesterday announced details of its new TV line-up for the AW 2008/09 schedule. Oh, the revelations flowed thick and fast. Did you hear that Seoige & O’Shea is to become Seoige & Seoige as Grainne is joined in studio by new co-host and sister Sile – but as Ray D’Arcy wondered this morning, won’t there be a fierce amount of sibling rivalry? Along the lines of “She got more time in make-up than me!”, “Her dress is nicer than mine”, “Here, why does she have mascara on and I have none?” etc.
There feckin’ would be if I was working that closely with my sister, but I’m sure they’re both much too mature and professional for that sort of carry on.
Anyways, what I really wanted to tell you Beaut.ie ladies was that the new presenters of Off The Rails have been unveiled! Caro and Floody have got the boot in favour of Brendan Courtney of Wanderlust (remember that?) and The Clothes Show fame and top stylist Sonya Lennon… who used to do a lot of work for OTR. Ouch. We’re told the duo will be taking the new look show “on the road” which sounds Trinny and Susannah-esque terrifying, but sure tune in from September to see what you make of it!