There's not long left until the much-anticipated revival series of Gilmore Girls arrives on Netflix and we pick things up with Lorelai and Rory nine years after we last saw them.
It's hard to believe, but Rory Gilmore will now be 32 years old when we see her next. That means she is now the same age as Lorelai was in season one. Yep. We're all old but at least Rory Gilmore is too.
Fans have been speculating that the show is hinting at a pregnancy for Rory in the upcoming series, because of some apparent clues in their Instagram posts.
Exhibit A: The apple
Hardcore Gilmore Girls fans will know is that the only time Lorelai craved an apple was when she was pregnant with Rory, perhaps it's been passed down?
Exhibit B: The hidden stroller
Okay this one we are highly speculative off. If you look close enough in the mirror of the below picture, some say you can see a pram in the background covered with a blanket.
We just see a hat stand.
There's also the fact that some filming for the series is taking place in London, where Logan works, and that Rory could be there to tell him she's pregnant/have their child.
It would be a pretty fitting way to end this famous mother-daughter story with the daughter taking on the role of mother... but that's just our two cent's worth. Rory is no doubt a high flying journalist now, so perhaps she has other plans.
A few have also said that perhaps it's Lorelai that is pregnant, but given that she will now be 48-years-old, it's possible but not all that likely.
Unless, we kick off with a flashback of the last nine years and Lorelai has since had a baby with Luke. It would be an interesting twist and a chance to see Lorelai as a mother to a younger child, and Rory as an older sister.
Or none of this is true. We'll leave it for your imagination to decide. Or just wait until November 25th when you can find out.
The four-part series will be available all at once on Netflix and will be set over a year, with each hour-and-a-half episode following the girls over a particular season.