A load of drama in store in tonight's soaps, here's your sneak preview!
UTV Ireland: 7.00pm
Megan is heartbroken when she realises that Jai was with Leyla last night, but not one to take things lying down, she is soon hatching a plan for revenge. She even tries to get Rachel and Sam involved, but when they realise the high stakes will they still be up for it? Meanwhile, Finn worries there may be unfinished business between Debbie and Ross. Eh, yeah, if you call not being able to keep your hands off each other for five minutes unfinished business. Also today, Zak plucks up the courage to tell Belle how seriously ill Hamish is and explains that it would be best to have him put down, but is Belle strong enough to let him go?

UTV Ireland: 7.30pm, 8.30pm
Liz is determined to get her revenge on Tony and even is sound enough to call into Tracy to ask her is she wants to get involved by reporting him to the police for handling stolen goods. However, after seeing Tracy's cagey attitude, she realises that she's as guilty as Tony. Later, Liz and Michelle discover that a batch of stolen goods is due to be delivered, which leads to Tracy being caught red handed when the police arrive, leading to her arrest. Fair play to Liz, not often someone gets one over on that Tracy Barlow. Elsewhere, Brian and Dev are still trying to win over Julie, but which fair prince (aheh) will she choose?

RTE 1: 8:00pm + BBC 1: 8.00pm
N'aww. Would you look? These two have been doing our heads in with their pining after each other but it looks like they finally get back on track tonight. After a heart to heart with Shabnam, Tamwar heads back to the Vic but is shocked to find Nancy unconscious on the floor after her seizure. Later on, the pair end up confiding in each other and finally admitting their love for each other. Once more.... n'awwwww. They agree to not keep any more secrets from each other, but sure it's barely five minutes before Tamwar discovers something else Nancy has been hiding. Oh dear.