Now that Brendan O'Connor has officially hung up his boots on The Saturday Night Show, it's about time we found out just what his successor Ray D'Arcy plans for his new primetime slot in the Autumn, and it's not a whole lot apparently.
Well, nothing that we haven't seen before, but sure nobody likes change anyways. The RTE radio host has spoken to The Sunday Times about his plans for his new gig and said; "It's going to be a chat show. We're not going to reinvent the wheel."
D'Arcy went on to discuss his controversial move from Today FM to RTE late last year and said; "I'm 50 and if you're trying to reflect your audience and how they feel and where they are in their lives, that's very age specific. Because you run out of road. You can't contrive that, you can't make it up, or definitely I can't."
He went on to say why he thought the national broadcaster wanted him back after all these years; "I'd say part of the reason we were brought in is to change the tone slightly.
"Like the first day we were on air, a guy came up to me and said, 'Loved the intro, who wrote it for you?' and I was like 'What?'
"It was scary someone who worked in radio would ask me that question."
Ray Darcy's new Saturday Night chat show will air on RTE1 this coming Autumn. Will you be tuning in?