There are certain stores that are my go tos when I NEED some retail therapy. Which unfortunately for my finances turns out to be pretty feckin regularly. I know them so well I know my size (because as you know every shop seems to exist in its own space time continuum and determine its sizes by some mysterious unstandardized process). So I know I will be a bigger size in Top Shop then I’ll be in Oasis for example – and this fact means that I’m more likely to shop in Oasis. Because otherwise I will be depressed – AND THAT IS NOT THE POINT OF SHOPPING!
I love to browse online before I buy to see what’s out there and I have certain shops I’ll always go to for certain things: party frocks (French Connection); generally yumminess (Zara); workwear (Next); Dunnes (er kind of everything) and for a major massive event the fashion floors of Brown Thomas and Arnotts send me into a spin of delight, the likes of which cannot be equalled. I’m an aul creature of habit.
So what about you? Which stores do you love the best and pick up loads of gear in? Penneys, Dunnes, AWear, River Island, Coast, New Look, H&M?
Go on – rate your favourites for fashion!