Is this the most random celeb Instagram post ever?

We’ve seen famous faces from totally different worlds meeting and taking pictures together before. But this Instagram post is a particularly strange one.

Posted on actress Kate Hudson’s Instagram with the caption, ‘Don’t really know how this happened… but it did!’, it depicts her being lifted into the air by former Prime Minister Tony Blair, Rocky star Sylvester Stallone and two acrobats from Cirque du Soleil.


Don't really know how this happened...but it did! ? Tony Blair + Sly + two Cirque du Soleil guys = Me in a lift ?#OneForTheBooks ?

A photo posted by Kate Hudson (@katehudson) on


Reportedly, the photo was taken at a dinner event hosted by celebrity agent Michael Kives in Hollywood, Los Angeles.

It is one of few times that Tony Blair has been seen in public since the damning Chilcot report was published in July.


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