The only time they let Rachel look nice on X Factor
Now that Rachel has been booted off the X Factor let us look back over her sad few weeks with us. And let us consider one thing especially: her makeup.
Her makeup was horrendous. A pretty girl, she was disfigured with the amount of Eighties slap that was plastered on every Saturday night. It was a masterclass in how not to do it - or overdo it. Her hair was pretty bad too. It couldn't decide if it was Grace Jones or ...
Wouldn't you know she was Dannii's creation? Dannii famously gets it wrong with her acts every year and this year she's turning Stacey into Leona Lewis and thought she'd have a go at making Rachel an 80s icon.
Then she changed her mind once Rachel kept landing in the bottom two and decided to turn her into Stacey. Spluttering and thanking and rejoicing even though she hadn't achieved anything - Rachel's attempt to make the audience like her by apeing Stacey was just cringemaking.
Do you think it was the makeup that alienated people from Rachel? I honestly think it didn't help.