Post Christmas TV is exactly what you need to chill out before heading back to work in January. We've rounded up some of our favourites perfect for binging on.
Post Christmas TV means something different to everyone. Maybe you're a classics enthusiast, a reality show nut or a Rom Com lover. Or maybe, it's just a case of whatever stops everyone from bickering over the remote. Regardless, we'll all need something to watch in between munching through the remaining Roses tin and New Year's Eve. So, to help you make your mind up, we've picked out some of the best post Christmas TV shows to binge on.
Ru Paul's Drag Race
If you've never seen Drag Race you're in for a treat. It's colourful, fun, outrageous, touching and hilarious all at the same time. Think America's Next Top Model, with a twist. Oh, and expect some special appearances from the likes of guest judges Christina Aguilera and Lady Gaga.
An all star cast including Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman lead the award winning mystery thriller series that is Sherlock. Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, it's the perfect Post Christmas TV to binge on if your brain needs a bit of a work out.
It's a classic for so many reasons. If you're like us, you've probably seen all the episodes at least ten times at this stage, but that doesn't make Friends any less enjoyable.
Great Interior Design Challenge
Coming into the new year, a lot of us will want to make some changes. Possibly around the house? You'll get plenty of inspiration and ideas from the Great Interiour Design Challenge from how to revamp a listed building with paint effect to how to make a Lego lamp (seriously!).
Based on the story of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling, this dark comedy has been a break out hit for Netflix. It's equal parts funny and dramatic and features more sequins that you could shake a stick at. Plus, it's about sport so it's sort... of... good for new year's motivation? That's what we'll tell ourselves anyway!
What shows will you be binge watching this Christmas?