Posh spice Pur-erh tea trial

I've purchased a box of Victoria Beckham's fave slimming product, Pur-erh Tea and the kettle's boiling for my first cup! 1lb a day weight loss? This tea promises much - but does it deliver? It's supposed to:

  • stimulate digestion
  • reduce hunger
  • detoxify
  • purify the blood
  • reduce cholesterol
  • strengthen the immune system
  • and reduce bodyfat! Phew!

I know it's usually expensive (apparently if you hunt around in Chinese markets etc you can get it for much less). Tales of its limited availability are greatly exaggerated though - I got mine in Hickey's (€18 for 20 teabags).


You use each bag three times. Bit sceptical, but, we'll see. I'll let you know how I get on in a couple of weeks ...

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