POLL: Beauty Bootcamp for Teenage Girls: Perfect Workshop for Young Wans or Another Example of Growing up Too Quickly?

It may not seem like summer a lot of the time, but try telling that to working parents who have children that need occupying while they're off school for three loooong months. 

The usual options include various 'summer camps', but what if, let's say, your fledgling teenage daughter isn't into the outdoors, or sports, or arts and crafts…..what if there was something else that would spark her interest. What if there was a Beauty Bootcamp for teenage girls? Would that encourage her to leave the iPad alone for five minutes and venture into the outside world?

As it happens, one has flung open its doors on Dublin's Upper Fitzwilliam Street and is taking bookings for their week-long 'Teen Beauty Queen' workshops. 

via beauty-bootcamp.com via beauty-bootcamp.com

Classes include hair styling, skin care, choosing the best foundation, contouring and nail care. And things come to a close on the Friday with their 

Celebrity wrap party - with the help of our tutors recreate your favourite celebrities hair and make-up looks on you.

I don't know about you, but I'm seriously torn... One half of me is going "At last, there won't be a load of teenagers traipsing around with tide marks as high as the East Wall, and Black Widow eyelashes. If only there was something like this when I was a teenager..."

However, the other half is roaring - "There is a LIFETIME for women to learn the art of plastering one's face, the tail end of childhood is far more finite. Give them a masterclass in confidence from within. Give them some pointers on giving a fiddlers about what people think, or what 'society' expects women to look like. You don't have to look like a celeb, not everyone has to conform!"



See. Torn. Sorry for putting Natalie Imbruglia in your head for the rest of today, but it is the most fitting soundtrack to this article.What do you think? Is it something you'd like a daughter to do?

Are we reading too much into it? Is it innocent enough and - while we're at it - practical? Or is it just a minefield best left ticking for another few years? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!


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