Let's face it, nothing has been right in any of our lives since Pippa left Home and Away. She was the television maternal figure we all needed in the nineties.
Yes, it's been two decades since she left the Australian soap, but we're still not over it, alright?
Actress Debra Lawrence played Pippa Ross on the show from 1990 to 1998, although her arrival was initially the source of much confusion to fans as she replaced the former Pippa, and looked nothing like her. However, once we got passed that, we came to know and love her as much as we did the original version.
Now the actress has said that she would be up for a return to the soap; "I never say never," she told News.com, before later adding: "If they needed Pippa that desperately to try and attempt to replace her again then I would probably go back.
"If they were that desperate and paid me enough money, of course I'd do it."
Soooo.... you're saying there's a chance??
Although, there may be just one or two complications: "There are other people living in my house so how can I go back? I'm not staying in a caravan!"
Eh, nobody puts Pippa in a caravan.
"Also, it's moved beyond the Summer Bay it was when I was there," she added. "It's a different town now. There are a few more guns and loads more alcohol. Everyone drinks!"
Pippa would soon sort all those 'flaming galahs' out, isn't Alf still there to help her?