There is no denying that pets become part of the family. They are the housemates that you love even when they vomit on the carpet and then ignore it, the ones you cuddle even when they sniff your food and stare at you in the shower.
And now winemakers Apollo Peak from Denver, Colorado are making cat wine so that you don't ever need to leave the house again to socialise and have a drink in the company of those you like. Available in 'Pinot Meow' and 'MusCATo', the 'cat wine' is described as 'a non-alcoholic catnip based feline snack' made of a combination of water, catnip and beets.
Apparently there are also versions for your dog on the way and I'd suggest they might like to call those versions Muttlot or Fido Noir. Or if you've any better names, I'll all pricked-up ears.
This is all well and good but can Moggy go to the shop to get you a chicken fillet roll when you wake up with a wine hangover? And also not eat the chicken out of it before delivering it to you? Now that's something I'd spend good money on.