Now, we are not at all saying that Mr. Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth, should give up the aul hammer, but if he ever decides that his days of bashing baddies with Mjolnir are over then the makers of the Thor movies might have a ready-made replacement in the impressive form of Norweigan Navy Officer, Lasse Matberg.
The 30-year-old rocks those long blonde locks and surprisingly soft-looking beard like he was born in Asgard. His Instagram account has well over 100,000 followers and, c'mon, it's pretty easy to see why.
He's got his battle cry down to a tee.
He also loves dogs.
Hey, Kevin Feige. Mr. Matberg is waiting for your call...
Via Instagram
Hang on - does that last post means he's an extra on Vikings? They film in Ireland you know...