The psychology of irritation is a complex one.
I'm guessing, because I haven't made an in depth study of this in any form whatsoever. I just know there are people who would drive you feckin MAD and you have to scream with rage whenever they come on the telly and run out of the room.
But yet others love them - which is where the complexity comes in. Kim Kardashian attracts extreme love and extreme hate in equal measure. Tom Cruse is the crazy - surely we all know that? But no - he is massively famous, rich and successful (miscast as JACK REACHER for christ sakes), so there are people out there who worship his high heeled boots and his crazy ass Scientology ways.
Real life people that you are HAVE to like are more problematic. Whether it's the pain in the arse sister in law who judges everything you do and smirks at all your amusing anecdotes (well you thought they were amusing) or your horrible co-worker that you have to pretend to get on with. Even though she's giving you an ulcer with her nasty ways and habit of eating tinned mackerel on Ryvita at your shared desk.
And when you have a hangover, believe me that's not a good thing.
Or the boss who constantly rummages around in his pockets, unaware that the whole office knows he's actually fondling his balls. Get a room - WITH YOURSELF - boss.
Other things are simpler in their irritation. EuroCycles/EuroBaby have built their whole business around being as annoying as f**k. And who can hear the monotone drone of ANY of the Cost Plus Sofa ads without screaming? Buy the room get the TV. Amanda Brunker I'm scarleh for you.
And lets not even GO there with that foul dog in the Beds Etc ads (another score for the Cost Plus Sofas team).
From politicians that drive us nuts to celebrities that you just can't understand WHY WHY WHY everyone loves them, let's discuss. After all it's bad for us to bottle things up!
What drives you spare?