The much anticipated fourth season of Netflix's Orange is the New Black is just around the corner, and while we've had a couple of teasers, the first official trailer has dropped today.
Things pick up where we left off at Litchfield prison, although they are definitely no longer frolicking and bonding in that lake anymore. In fact, things are definitely leaning more towards the drama side of things in this comedy drama if this trailer is anything to go by. Piper seems to be picking up enemies left, right and centre, while there's a brand new batch of inmates and correctional officers to be dealing with too.
No sign of Alex although we did already see her in a teaser a few months ago, so we know she survived whatever encounter she had with her former boss in season three's finale.
Have a look at the trailer below...
You can catch season four of Orange is the New Black on Netflix on June 17th.