Oh, dear. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's divorce drama is still not over

Like us, you probably thought that Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's divorce drama was concluded with the settlement agreement made last week and the subsequent announcement by Heard that she intends to donate the full $7 million dollars to charity.

Well, think again. The couple is now at odds over said charitable donation.

According to a report from The Hollywood Reporter, it seems that Depp and his team decided to cut Heard out of the process and donate the $7 million settlement directly to the two charities that Heard intended the money to go, the American Civil Liberties Union and Children's Hospital of Los Angeles.

However, it appears that Heard is interpreting this manoeuvre as an attempt by Depp to cash in on tax incentives and reduce the amount of money that he ultimately has to pay from the divorce settlement.


A member of Heard's team issued a statement yesterday calling the news 'great and unexpected' but also calling on Depp to double the size of the donation so that his payment obligation to Amber reaches the agreed $7 million.

"[I]f Johnny wishes to change the settlement agreement, we must insist that he honor the full amount by donating $14M to charity, which, after accounting for his tax deduction, is equal to his $7M payment obligation to Amber," says the statement."Anything less would be a transparent attempt by Johnny's counsel, Laura Wasser and [Patty] Glaser, to reduce their client's true payment by half under the guise of newfound concern for charities that he has never previously supported."

Considering $7 million is a relatively insignificant sum to Depp we wouldn't be surprised to see him increase the size of the donation in the wake of Heard's comments.

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