POOR oul Peaches Geldof eh? Not only did she accidentally catch the wheels of her buggy in a pothole and tip her wee baby out onto the street but she got papped by the Daily Mail at the same time - who were luckily on hand to tell the world what a terrible mother she is.
That was exactly what she needed after such a scare, wasn't it? Her mistake splashed across the pages of a newspaper and smug finger pointing. Why wasn't that baby strapped in, they asked sanctimoniously. Why did Peaches continue her phone-call?
Who knows, and who cares? Maybe she thought the straps were done up but they turned out to be loose. Maybe she was on the phone to her husband panicking and he was calming her down.
It's very clear the Daily Mail was following Peaches, just waiting for her to slip up and one can only imagine the delight when that buggy went for a tumble. No concern was shown for the welfare of the baby, simply round-eyed glee that Peaches was caught out.
It doesn't matter, the fact is her buggy went for a tumble just like thousands of buggies go for a tumble around the world every day. Just like thousands of mothers accidentally scrape their baby's thigh when changing a nappy every day. Just like thousands of babies swallow household objects when their parents' backs are turned.
The only difference is, ordinary mothers and fathers aren't followed by slavering packs of paparazzi just waiting on them to make that mistake.
What do you think? Were you shocked by these photos or just disgusted that they were printed at all? Have you ever had an accident minding your child, or someone else's?
Give us your views in the comments!