Working out is hard to do. We can't all be Stephanie Roches. It's understandable why people don't want to - it hurts, it burns and it's such a damn effort un-peeling yourself from the comfort of your couch.
And maybe 'tis worse for those women who hate being parted from their mascara wands - you have to go bare-faced unless you don't mind drips of foundation soaked sweat obscuring your vision and you have that whole worry that jumping up and down will cause a boob to the face.
The thing is, exercising is good. For the mind and for the body and there's no need to be ashamed of how you look doing it. A brilliant new ad - encouragingly titled This Girl Can - from Sport England shows women from all stages of life, of different shapes and sizes, at various levels of fitness, all doing their thing.
It's been inspiring women everywhere to just get up and DO IT. Watch the ad and you'll regret ever fretting over getting fit. The message is wonderful - we love it.
Last year many of you were inspired by our gym virgin Simone. Read her story and others like it in our Life section!
Are you up and running (or dancing, or swimming or anything else-ing) yet? Was this video the push you needed? Let's hear it in the comments!