Ever since I mentioned my NASA approved pillow on this post months back there's been questions about it. Where did I get it? How much did it cost? Why did NASA approve it? Why is it so good anyway?
Well, I had whiplash in my neck, I had three vertebrae out of whack, I was in a lot of pain. The muscles around my neck had clenched into an iron cladding, to put it simply I was in agony. No amount of neurofen plus, daily visits to the chiropractor, wailing and brandy were helping matters.
Until little sis Shauna remembered a magic pillow she'd heard about from a pal, also with a bad neck. She hurried to Arnotts and like a little angel of mercy arrived out at my house of pain wielding the pillow. It looks weird, I'll tell you that. It's a Tempur Memory Foam pillow with two big ridges at top and bottom and foam that is designed to mould itself to the shape of your neck and so on. Basically the principle is thus: usually when you lie in bed the mattress supports your shoulders. The pillow supports your head. But nothing supports your neck. Until you get a Tempur pillow.
And it's so good that NASA approve it. Here's the blurb:
"Because the TEMPUR Pressure Relieving Material is temperature sensitive and visco-elastic, the pillow will actually respond to your body temperature and mass to mould to the natural curvature of your head and neck, thereby aligning them perfectly with your spine. The open cells shift under pressure and reposition themselves to gently cradle your head and neck to help alleviate pain and provide a more restful night’s sleep. The open cells allow air to circulate throughout the pillow, keeping you cooler and more comfortable than a regular pillow."
I can't remember exactly how much it cost - about €80 - €100 (I had taken too many painkillers to register any details). It worked though, it really helped. I stopped using it a couple of weeks ago and it took two nights before it was back again because the pain started up without it. I will say one thing - it is very hard to get used to, very difficult to get yourself comfortable at first. But if you suffer from back or neck pain or even snoring, it's well worth a try.
Check out http://www.tempur.co.uk/tempurUK/pillows/ for more info.