If you're struggling to get motivated today - thank your lucky stars you're not minding a brand new puppy, like us. Our productivity has gone off on holidays - she's currently chewing on our toes as we type - so we've enlisted the help of some of the most driven and determined gals we know: the founders of one of our favourite shopping sites, Opsh.
Here we talk to Grace McGinn, co-founder and Head of Product, who has had to deal with many a challenging Monday yet never given up. Grace and the McGinns, we salute your unwavering Girl Boss approach to business and life.
Grace, oh wonderful Grace, what is it that you do at Opsh?
I'm founder and Head of Product at Opsh. On a day-to-day basis, I oversee the design and product development at Opsh, as well as contributing to the overall business development alongside the other founders.
How do you start your week?
Monday = Coffee. Emails. Founders meeting. Review. Plan. Team Updates. Emails. Plan. Drive. Eat. Sleep.
Top tips for a Monday?
Pace yourself. You can go to the gym on Tuesday...
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Your Monday fear cure?
Putting on a face mask as soon as I get home. Right now I'm on the Dragon Blood Fix pads and facemask by Nib+Fab on Opsh (if it's good enough for Kylie...)
The answer to a shitty Monday = Sleep. Early.
Best life advice? "Say Yes to everything!" - never miss an opportunity.
Worst life advice you've been given and ignored?
"Say Yes to everything!" - I have limited energy; it's important knowing when to say 'No'.
Best career advice? Have a mentor.
Tell us about an experience when somebody said, in so many words, that you probably couldn't achieve what you want to, but then you did it anyway.
"You're sass. Not like SASS (software as a service); more "sassy". - The guy was using it in a derogatory way. In 2015, one of our key taglines was, "Get yo' Sassy Pants on".
Favourite curse word - how does it make you feel? Use it in a sentence.
"F**k", as in, "That's f**king ridiculous". Used for most situations under the sun.
Song you'll definitely dance to when nobody's looking?
Azizi Gibson, Libra's Don't Lie.
When you're really pissed off, you're most likely to... Cut a meeting short and get some fresh air.
Your go-to quote when you're lacking in motivation?
Be. Aggressive. >clap< Be. Be. Aggressive. >clap<
Your secret ingredients for motivation: Diet Coke and fizzy Haribo for late-nighters.
What are you doing that's good for your brain?
Reading Stephen Hawkins (#nerd)
Book that you'll always return to, and why?
The Information by James Gleick. If you ever wondered how the computer really came about...
What makes you feel good, that doesn't cost a penny?
Having a picnic on Dollymount Strand no matter what time of year it is.
A dinner dish that could make any Monday bearable?
Anything with avocados (eggs; salad; nachos).
Your top 3 comforts?
Eye cream (usually from Ren on Opsh); Basketball shorts; fluffy socks & Adidas sliders (as a combo).
When life gives you lemons... you need to arrange those lemons by size, shape, and colour, so that when someone ever asks you for a particular type of lemon, you have it at hand.
Favourite online destinations when you need a pick-me-up?
Opsh! When I'm not working on the backend - I am "testing" the wishlist and check-out features... ;)
If you could urge women to read one piece of writing, what would it be and why?
The Confidence Code by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman. You need to look past the American tone at first, but it explains the context as to why men and women have different working styles and makes the argument that women don't need to compete on men's terms.
Life motto? Stay ambitious.
Opsh has just released its top 100 beauty products for under 100ml! Yes, that's right - the best beauty products in travel-friendly sizes, that won't have you holding up the queue at security... You can shop the edit here!