Last night UTV showed us a celeb style documentary about binge drinking by Michelle Heaton of Liberty X fame. And lately in the You're a Star yoke on RTE.
For thirty days Michelle drank her socks off. She drank at home, she drank with friends. She drank at karaoke bars, she drank at celeb bashes in London, she drank in her local pub. She stumbled out of clubs on Leeson St, she went to charity balls, she pub crawled in Newcastle.
She was drinking over one hundred and twenty units a week. She was drinking so much it was making me feel sick.
Michelle was drinking every day. I don't think that's actually binge drinking though. I think that's being an alcoholic. I thought a binge drinker was someone who went out a couple of times a week and drank way over the recommended amount.
A minor point of course, but I feel it's my duty to tell you of the lows she was forced to sink to. Michelle was going to bed with her makeup on and then doing a really scuzzy thing: when she was in a hurry the next morning she left her smoky eyes on and only redid her foundation.
And oh boy did she suffer. Hangovers from hell, rotten skin, fights with the husband, her work (her voice and her concentration suffered). Various experts prodded and poked her and told her how bad all this drinking was for her. She gave up the experiment early (three weeks in), suffering panic attacks, palpitations, weight gain and feeling generally crap.