Earlier today we spoke of the noble, loyal dogs who proved how lovely and great our furry friends are.
Now, here's Lucifur (spelt wrong on purpose for obvious reasons!) who has officially gained entry into the League of Evil Cats after his work in the following videos.
Lucifur's aim in life is simply to mess things up in his home, because that's just what he does best. We've all met a cat like this, right?
Honestly, we are not anti-cat! We once had a lovely pet cat called Benny. It wasn't his fault he had claws as sharp as knives and that his fur brought us to hospital because of all the sneezing and eye streaming and not being able to breathe-ing.
They are mysterious creatures though and something has to be said for all the nice dog stories and evil cat ones, that's all...
Which side of the cat / dog loving spectrum do you fall? Could you be somewhere in the middle? Do you know a cat like Lucifur?