We all know Kendall Jenner of Kardashian fame but you may not be so familiar with one Kirby Jenner.
The self-proclaimed amateur model/fraternal twin of Kendall Jenner has been winning the internet lately. His account has 418,000 followers at the time of writing, and counting.
Kirby spends his time inserting his image into Kendall’s most famous posts, which he accompanies with witty captions, and the results are simply genius.
He told the Independent: ‘I'm pretty lucky to have Kendall as my twin because we share all the same interests in boardgames, vegetables and fun ways to spend our weekends.
‘Just this past weekend both Kendall and I decided to count to three and then say out loud how we wanted to spend our afternoon, and we BOTH said, “BUILD A TINY HOUSE OUT OF OLD JOHN GRISHAM BOOKS!!” Crazy right?! It's like we're psychically linked. We didn't have any John Grisham books though smh.’
Other members of the Kardashian clan are also getting the photoshop treatment: