Making Ordinary Days Better With The Simple Pleasures
Sometimes, when we get into Beaut HQ at the crack of dawn, bleary eyed and weary, our day is instantly brightened because some kind soul has made The Good Coffee. Other mornings, as we trek towards our desks in a haze of not-quite-woken-up-yet a kind soul has made The Good Coffee and provided sweet treats to go with it! Ah, it's the simple pleasures.
We go through the daily grind, eh, every day and most days are like the others. Wake, work, eat, sleep, you know the drill. That's why it's so nice when something nice crops up to make a normal Monday (or Tuesday or Wednesday...) stand out. No matter how small it is; a card in the post; a phone call from a friend you haven't heard from in a while; a particularly good hair day; these are the things that make an ordinary day sweet.
Last week in Beaut HQ a team member received a beautiful flower arrangement from a group of her friends for a significant birthday. She was delighted and so were the rest of us because it was such a lovely gesture. We oh-ed and ah-ed over the whole thing for a good 20 minutes. Better still, we all got a lily from the bunch to take home because it was that big. And sure didn't someone have to make The Good Coffee then?
A chat with Mammy via Skype is a sure fire way to light up my day - if only for the comedy value as she tries to make it work for five minutes and then talks to her own reflection and ignores the main screen with my face on it! And remember when you got a free gift with your Mandy & Judy or Bunty way back when? And later with Smash Hits or Big? They were fantastic Thursdays (I'm not fully sure that Thursday was the usual day comics would hit shelves but that's the day my granny used to deliver them to me!)
Speaking of granny delivering the comics, she usually used to throw in a couple of bags of sweets (with Satin Pillows in there every time) and there'd always be a few packets of biscuits. My brother used to go straight for the McVitie's Jaffa Cakes, eat the chocolate part, then the sponge and leave the orange jelly part 'for later'. McVities's have been making ordinary days extra special for aeons! What's your favourite McVitie's treat?
What makes an ordinary day special for you? Has any small thing happened recently that really made your day? What have you done for someone lately that put a smile on their face on an otherwise normal day?