Make Up Habits of Irish Women Revealed

*shuffles papers and ensure microphone is turned on* May I please have your attention as the results of the survey are in? Yes, I can confirm that we are indeed a nation of cosmetic junkies.

Make Up For Ever recently conducted a survey on the cosmetic habits of Irish women and found that 65% of us would never go make-up free at work. Now that's a lot of us forgoing that extra ten minutes in bed to ensure we have some makeup and mirror time.

In fact, over half (51%) of Irish women  said that they wear make-up every day, something that makes me want to whip out a giant facecloth and clean all the faces in Ireland. And if there's no water, I'll just channel Granny with a tissue and saliva - you have been warned. Skin likes a bit of no makeup time.

Woman eye

And our cosmetic kits are getting heavier as half (48%) use an average of five make-up items daily, and a third (32%) use 7-10 items. And while it sounds like a lot now that I write it down, honestly, I might just be in the 10+ range.

I wasn't surprised to see that Ireland’s favourite make-up tool is the foundation brush and the most popular make-up item is mascara (42%). Yes, I'm definitely part of #TeamMascara.


When it comes to shopping, we're not shy on stocking up with 8 out of 10 (82%) of women buying new make-up every month.  And foundation (47%) and mascara (40%) are the make-up items bought most often. We are obviously on the search for the Holy Grail.

Now I think I'm pretty much towards the higher end of the makeup bag usage but I don't think I'm an outlier. And people at work have definitely seen my face foundation-and-all-else free (but whether they were in the better of it or not, I don't know).

So tell us, are you Ms Average Makeup Consumer? Or which end of the spectrum do you occupy? And are you one of the 44% who rarely wash their brushes? To the comments!

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