Love It or Loathe It? Agyness Deyn's New Ultra Short Cut

Y'know, I recently felt like I went to bed one night and everything was normal, if a little NAMA-heavy, and then when I woke up the next morning it was as though we'd been sucked backwards through time. Suddenly, things like dungarees and checked shirts and military style and double denim weren't just back on the fashion radar.

They were being declared hot hot hawt.

Then last week, Agyness Deyn went and lopped off her locks to seemingly ape one Sinéad O'Connor circa Nothing Compares To You and I'm now nearly certain it's 1990 again.


Anyway, two pictures of Agyness' new super short pixie crop were posted on Twitter by The Love Magazine shortly after her close encounter with a clippers, and while some commentators are using words like "daring" and "edgy" and "striking" to describe the 'do, I'd be more inclined to go with words like "me no likey" meself.

I'm sure it's meant to be just a little on the androgynous side of fashion forward, but um actually I think she's now the spitting image of an old friend of mine. An old male friend of mine...

What do you make of it, ladies? To the comments!

Pics via Zimbio and Twitpic

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