Look Good Naked: Stretchmark Creams ... slated

Palmer.jpgEvery week How to Look Good Naked tests products to see which ones actually work. The winning product makes it into the presenters bathroom cabinet. Sound familar?

But anyway, last night stretchmark creams were tested by 100 women of all shapes and sizes. Basically none of them did well at all in the scoring - meaning that the testers didn't think they worked. And they didn't think the creams they tried in the previous weeks tests worked either (for the record Pout had the best bust cream and Nivea the best cellulite cream).

But I was horrified by last night's results. Four creams tested as usual - two cheapies and two expensive. Strivectin was up there as the most expensive and I was confident it would win - BUT IT CAME LAST. Testers found it absolutely rubbish and it only got 37 marks out of 100. The next most expensive, Rodial, didn't do well either.

Bio Oil did better - it came second. And the winner was the cheapest of the lot - Palmers massage cream. It only scored 48 out of 100 though, which as we all know, is barely a passing grade.


StriVectin - I thought you would have walked this one. I was putting on my StriVectin eyecream this morning and really wondering was it worth the small fortune I'd forked out on it...

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