Obviously it made for the best/worst journey ever. But hey, we'd take 'couple breaking up' over 'screaming and kicking toddler' any day.
Kelly Keegs was on a flight out of Charleston, North Carolina when she encountered a very rare and unbelievable sight in the form of a couple in the same row as her who were breaking up right there and then. And because of a delay in takeoff, Keegs decided to live-tweet the whole ugly thing.
Now we're semi-skeptical about this because we're who cynics live in an age of hoaxes and marketing ploys; what level of eejit do you have to be to break up with someone when both of you are locked in confined space for a long period of time? And why would you force that breakup on the ears and eyes of others? Luckily this pair are as bad as each other, and it made for one hell of a show.
We really hope this doesn't turn out to be a PR stunt.
This guy on the plane just broke up w his girlfriend and she's SOBBING pic.twitter.com/IW9QVYxXdB
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 23, 2015
@BarstoolReags "Trust you? WHY should I trust you?? Do you TRUST ME?"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 23, 2015
@BarstoolReags guy: "Listen. I've learned to get over a lot of things and you need to learn too"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
@BarstoolReags guy: "I believe the things you said. I believe you're honest with me"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
@kpierini guy: "I don't fuck up often. I don't want to fuck up. But sometimes I do"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
@keegs141 Guy: "I just can't stand you. I can't be near you. I would switch seats if i could"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Guy: "is this really a surprise? Are you seriously surprised at this information?"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Girl: "Great. JUST GREAT. I'm so glad I paid 40 extra dollars to be on this fucking flight with you"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Guy: I don't care. Girl: IM GLAD YOU DONT CARE
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
"I don't want to be this girl. I don't want to be her. I want to be my best for you and YOU WONT LET ME"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
"Is that what you're starting to do with me? Just slow fade me OUT? Just like the others?"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Girl: "you don't even understand why I'm FUCKING SAD. YOU HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT ME"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Girl: "Why is this so easy for you? It's just THAT FUCKING EASY? What do you want from me?"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Guy: "You need to calm down" Girl: "To me I just really thought, you know, this was going to go somewhere"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
**loud sobs**
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Very stoic few minutes pic.twitter.com/eyt4YDlEj3
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Girl: "well what makes you so FUCKING SPECIAL?"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Girl: "you should probably just stop talking. Just stop TALKING!!"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
"I'm going to ask Charlotte. I'm going to ask her the minute we get home and we'll see if your STORIES MATCH" (Omg scandal who's Charlotte?)
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Guy: "I can't discuss this anymore." Girl: "so I'm not worth your time????"
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
**silent sobs, lots of sniffling**
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
What the fuck? Now they're making out. I'm not kidding
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
We took off, they immediately ordered SIX vodkas and Bloody Mary mix for the 50 minute flight and chugged them in silence between makeouts
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
And in case you were wondering, Kelly enjoyed the whole affair. Maybe it's time airlines started upping their in-flight entertainment game to include live theatre.
@vandellbrandon im gonna go witthhhhhh, yes
— Kelly Keegs (@keegs141) August 24, 2015
Either this is a massive PR stunt or quite the invasion of two peoples' privacy. What do you think?