Latest Oscar must have: Pinky Toe Tuck makes fat toe slim

fat toes

Yeah we've all heard of Fat Boy Slim. But fat toe slim?

Tis red carpet season. And as such we've been inundated with press releases and other ahem "news" and "information" about how the stars prep for their big night.

Yes, we know all about the liposuction and the extreme dieting. We know about the Botox in the armpits. We know all about the fillers around the lips and the full body makeup.

But I for one did not know about this dis-gusting new trend.


Apparently podiatrists are actually offering surgical procedures to make fat toes slimmer, long toes shorter and fat feet narrower. All the better for looking good in your strappy sandals my dear.

Is this not barbaric? Is this not mutilation of the most extreme and unnecessary kind - I mean would it not be easier to find a more flattering sandal? Or - gasp - wear a closed toe shoe.

If stars really have their tiny brains set on this they'd need to be planning it well in advance however. You'd need to be getting this done quite some months before the Oscars to prevent unsightly hobbling up the red carpet.

This little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home. Indeed.

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