Is this a jar of green beans and apple puree I see before me?
So Lady Gaga is widely reported to be on the baby food diet.
The WHAT? I hear you ask?
And sure even if you're not asking I'll tell you anyway. You know those er "delicious" jars of pureed goo that babies don't even like - smearing most of them over their bib, their high chair, their faces and anything else they can grab? These delicious concoctions of rice and carrots and other guck are now the focus of the latest "weightloss trend" .
Celebrities love it. Apparently
And it's not just Gaga - other celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and Reece Witherspoon apparently exist on a bland concoction of tiny jars of pureed apple when they're trying to shift some weight. Cheryl Cole might have been on it too.
What can you eat?
The diet is reported to take the eating little and often maxim to the limit. Every hour you eat one little jar of baby food - 14 jars in total. And then in the evening you have a "proper" dinner of grilled fish and green vegetables.
Portion Control
So it's major portion control and with no added salt, sugar or additives (baby food is free of all that crap) it's relatively healthy. But oh so tiny - so very few calories.
And baby food is disgusting, so you wouldn't exactly be dying for your next mini mini meal.
What do you think? Will you be loading up your trolley with Cow and Gate the next time you're in the supermarket? Think it's no different to one of the "shake" or meal replacement diets? Or does something in you just go ewwww at the thought of it
Leave a comment and let us know!