Katie Holmes new face of Bobbi Brown: suck that Scientology

Hurrah, hurrah and hurrah again.

In a deal worth a reported $2-3 mil Katie has signed on to become the first ever celebrity face of the the Bobbi Brown brand.  Not only will she be the face of the brand she'll also have input into the collections.  Apparently.

When you think about it, Katie is the perfect muse for BB - she represents that uncomplicated and natural beauty that the brand is famous for.  She's cleanly (and quickly) broken away from the Scientologists and yer man with the insane ego and she's standing on her own two feet.  Suri is probably standing on her baby high heels too.

Bobbi Brown, dare I say it, because I know a lot of you are super fans, were getting a bit... boring.  They need a shakeup.  And what better way to do it then to get the most talked about woman in the world at the moment on side?  Katies got it all going on at the moment - her own fashion line, expanding her acting career and now this makeup collaboration.

Bobbie Brown apparently had a flash of inspiration and told Katie, according to WWD ‘Oh, my God, you would be the perfect face for Bobbi.’ We weren’t looking for a celebrity, just a cool, amazing woman who would fit with our brand. And she’s just ridiculously naturally beautiful.” 


“I think it’s amazing that Bobbi found a hole in the marketplace and said, ‘I’m going to do something about it. I’m going to create a line for real women who want to look pretty and have it be easy,’” said Holmes. Turning playful about her role with Brown, Holmes intoned in a mock-serious voice, “I will be watching over every woman as she buys her lipstick.” Relatively speaking: Her image will appear on in-store visuals for Brown’s products.

High fives all round Katie - we're looking forward to seeing what's coming up.

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