If ever there was a collective sigh of 'meh'... When I saw the headlines about this 'new fringe' or 'KATE'S GOT BANGS!', a full blunt fringe right across the forehead was expected. After seeing the pics of her new do, we kind of wondering how anyone noticed in the first place... :-/
Kate Middleton shows off new fringe style haircut during first public appearance in months http://t.co/UkQaAphRHr
— noel cole (@aussiecoley) September 14, 2015
The photo has elicited such responses as...
Big News story on Good Morning Britain today - Kate Middleton has a fringe.
— christopher rees (@zanzibar66) September 14, 2015
My goodness, the woman can't even have a flippin haircut without the world freakin out! ðŸ'‡ It's ONLY a fringe FFS! #KateMiddleton #news
— Sherryl Blu (@SHERRYLsWorLD) September 14, 2015
Can't believe the press are reporting of Kate Middleton's new fringe. Glad I'm not a Royal and have to put up with with such dull intrusions
— roo (@iamagiraffe) September 14, 2015
What's the verdict? Here's some (very bad) photos of me with a #katemiddleton fringe over 5 years ago! @gmb pic.twitter.com/CXtPVy9BRJ
— Laura Tobin (@Lauratobin1) September 14, 2015
Good Morning Britain doesn't get any better...who cares about Kate Middleton's fringe!! Why is this even on my TV #givemestrength
— Beckster (@bekbess) September 14, 2015
Have you any thoughts on the new do? Personally speaking, one thing you don't need when looking after liddlers (because you spend that much time bent over picking up stuff) is wisps of hair straggling into your eyes. Break out the clips, Duchess!