So here it is, in all its grey glory, looming down on a herd of sheep. But why has Justin Bieber posted it to his Instagram with an accompanying diatribe regarding (what some deemed to be) his lacklustre performance at Sunday's Billboard Music Awards? F**k knows, is the answer to that.
Here is the picture...
And here's said monologue for those interested in reading it: "I don't know about these award shows.. No disrespect to anybody at any of the shows or the people running it. Nothing but love for you guys and your support. But I don't feel good when I'm there nor after. I try to think of it as a celebration but can't help feeling like people are rating and grading my performance. A lot of people in the audience there to be seem worried about how much camera time they will get or who they can network with. When I'm doing a regular show I feel they are there for the right reasons and to strictly have a good time! But these award shows seem so hollow. I get the premise is to award people for their accomplishments, but is it really? Because when I look in the audience I see a bunch of fake smiles so that when the camera hits them they look happy. Sure there are people truly proud of others so I don't want to knock them I'm just looking at the vast majority. I just think to myself if I'm living my purpose I want the reward to be fulfillment. I'm getting awarded for the things that I'm doing and not for who I am which is understandable I know it would probably be hard to calculate and award someone's spirit lol. But When I do get these awards the temptation of putting my worth in what I do is so hard to fight!!!I am privileged and honored to be recognized by my peers in but in these settings I can't feel the recognition. There's an authenticity missing that I crave! And I wonder does anybody else.. Sorry not sorry about grammar it's not my strong point."
It would seem choosing pics to accompany heartfelt sentiments isn't a strong point either. Needless to say, it's left Irish people who recognised the landmark somewhat flummoxed.
When @justinbieber instagrams a picture of the rock of cashel.. Coming to Tipperary soon hun? ?
— Claire Morrissey (@clairepear_) 23 May 2016
Shout out @justinbieber for putting a picture of the Rock of Cashel on his Instagram! #hometownpride
— Joe Murphy (@joejmurph) 23 May 2016
Why did Justin Bieber post a rant on Instagram with a photo of the Rock of Cashel lmao
— f8 (@Iovehearts) 23 May 2016
Justin Bieber had a rant and put a picture of the Rock of Cashel on his Instagram like what ?????
— Adele Fanning (@Adel_laptop) 23 May 2016
Maybe he was merely pointing out that he's a rock? Maybe it was a nod that he has a long way to go (tenuous Tipp reference)... Or perhaps he's highlighting he's not one to follow the herd?!! SOMEONE PLEASE SPELL IT OUT TO US.