John Oliver's hugely successful Last Week Tonight show has been tackling a different controversial topic every week, and probably making a few enemies along the way, something which he has almost definitely done with his segment this week on the fashion industry.
Oliver highlights, in his usual insightful style, that fashion and clothing is cheaper now than it ever has been, but the real price is not being paid by the end consumer, and there's a lot more going on behind the scenes than most people would like to think about in order to get the products on to shelves and clothing rails around the world for as little as possible.
This isn't the first time that the issue has been covered, but as people turn their attention to something else and forget about the use of child labour in manufacturing the clothes that we wear, certain companies look to be slipping back in to old habits and are repeat offenders on this front.
In order to show just how important it is to make sure that you know where your products come from and you can stand over them, Oliver decided to send the presidents of the biggest fashion companies lunch today, with one small difference, as he explains near the end of the segment.
Do you think about the retailers you buy from and are their standards for fair treatment of employees important to you, or is it all about fast fashion?