Jaime King, famed for her role on Heart of Dixie, her modelling career, and the fact that she made Taylor Swift a doting Godmother, is not a fan of Instagram's new algorithm. She's even gone so far as to deem it "dangerous" and "radically disconcerting."
While she clearly has a point, Jaime must not use Facebook or Twitter as much, otherwise she would've been disturbed some time ago...
On March 15th, Instagram posted the following to their site, informing users of the changes. Entitled "See the moments you care about first", the post says:
"To improve your experience, your feed will soon be ordered to show the moments we believe you will care about the most. The order of photos and videos in your feed will be based on the likelihood you’ll be interested in the content, your relationship with the person posting and the timeliness of the post. As we begin, we’re focusing on optimizing the order - all the posts will still be there, just in a different order."
Are you an Instagram user? How do you feel about their new feed?