God has answered our prayers. (We didn't even realise this was something we were praying for but we'll take it, Jesus.)
According to the New York Times, JLaw spilled the beans week when she sat down with one of their reporters to talk all things The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 ahead of its November release. And not only are the two new BFFs writing the screenplay, they also plan to star in it.
"We play sisters," Lawrence told them. "We’re almost done writing. It just flowed out of us. We’ve got about 100 pages right now."
"Amy and I were creatively made for each other. We have different flavors. It’s been the most fun experience of my life. We start the day off on the phone, laughing. And then we send each other pages. And we crack up. I’m flying out tomorrow to see her in Chicago. We’ll write a little bit with her sister, Kim, who worked with Amy when she was writing 'Trainwreck.'"
They've only been friends for a couple of months, but it looks like it's a match made in heaven (poor Josh Hutcherson must feel pretty forgotten right now), with the two now in constant touch with each other.
"I emailed her after I saw ‘Trainwreck’ and said, 'I don’t know where to get started. I guess I should just say it: I’m in love with you,' We started emailing, and then emailing turned to texting." And if you're wondering if all this is merely a new version of a showmance (friendshow?), the Times is quick to point out that the relationship seems very much legit thanks to this moment from Lawrence's interview.
She picked up her phone. “Let me just text Amy and tell her that I told you,” she said, beginning to type. Ms. Schumer responded immediately. Ms. Lawrence glanced at the message, and threw her head back in laughter.
“I wrote, ‘I just spilled the beans to The New York Times. Is that O.K.?’” she said. “And Amy wrote back, ‘That you’re gay? Totally! It’s exciting!’”
Expect them on stage with Taylor Swift in 3, 2, 1...