Every year we splash out 6.4 billion pounds on beauty products, but do we ever stop to think about what's in them or what they could be doing to us? The beauty industry spends 600 million a year marketing its products as pure, simple, organic and natural, but what's the truth behind the hype? Presenter Sarah Beeny wants to find out.
Above is the premise of How Toxic Are You, a watchdog style programme due to screen on Channel 4 on Thursday evening at 8pm. At first glance, it's odd that Sarah Beeny has been chosen to front the show, but actually, she's a good choice - she's solid, no nonsense, and we trust her. Who hasn't groaned as she advises yet more hapless, would-be 'developers' against putting the kitchen off the master bedroom, with the only bathroom on a see through mezzanine above?
Regular beaut.ie readers will know we often bring you posts about the nasties in cosmetics, and a lot of you will be no strangers to names like parabens, sodium laurel sulphate and all the rest of the additives commonly found in cosmetics. You'll probably have heard that we put approximately 200 chemicals on our bodies each day in the form of shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, moisturiser, foundation, lipgloss and all the rest. You may also have heard of links between parabens and breast cancer, particularly salient this month.
So if you've an interest in what's really in what you use, then tune in, I'm going to be watching with extreme interest!