How much to put in godchild's communion card? Is €100 REALLY "the going rate"?

Getting ready to go to the Communion of Himself's goddaughter I asked casually:

"How much do you put in communion cards these days?"

"Oh I asked the lads in work" came the reply.  "€100 is the going rate for a godchild".


ONE HUNDRED EURO!  I spluttered "What??  Are you SERIOUS?  You're messing?  Who the hell gives €100 to a seven year old?  I was thinking €50 would be more than generous."


He wasn't backing down.  "No, just no".

We had an er heated debate which culminated in me shrieking "We're not bleeding Bill and Jackie! NO ONE would give €100!"

It's not at all that I would begrudge the child anything - far from it - she's our favourite niece and we love her to bits.  But for a Communion I *really* felt that €100 was excessive. €100 is a lot to spend on the DRESS never mind put in the card (read this post in which we've discussed where to get reasonably priced Communion dresses).   In my day if you got a well worn fiver in the card, all your dreams of wealth had come true.  There was no end of penny sweets, sticker books and My Little Ponys the money could be saved towards.

And to back up my case I asked on Twitter and Facebook. Dozens of responses confirmed my feelings.  People were horrified with almost everyone agreeing that €50 was the absolute top end of what should go in the card.  And there were many references to "Celtic Tiger hangover MADNESS" along with many other good suggestions that included taking her for a day out  to the zoo; to the cinema; to Eddie Rockets.  

When I tentatively made these suggestions they were greeted with scorn.


People, €100 went into the card.

How much do you think should go into a godchilds Communion Card?

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