Halloween Special: Orange Celebrities

"Orange is the colour of my true love's skin, in the morning, when we rise". I believe it goes something like that anyway. Or should it be "Oompa Loompa, Oompedy Doo, I've got a bottle of Fake Bake for you"?

As orange is the colour of Halloween, which stars are embracing the festivities the most?

michelle heatonMichelle Heaton

Ah 'Chelle, you never let us down, you're like a bronzed statue. The sort you'd buy at Argos.

At Michelle's recent wedding to Andy Scott Lee, Jordan was a bridesmaid and the best man gave the assembled throng a blow by blow account of Andy's past sexual exploits. Classy!

colleen mcloughlinColleen McLoughlin

You are habitually a shade of tan I just don't associate with Liverpool.

I suppose we can let you away with it though as for one thing, you're only a youngwan and for another thing, you're a WAG, so I guess it's practically written in your contract.


the glendaGlenda Gilsen

Glenda, Glenda, Glenda. As Ireland's Top Model, to make one appearance on the pages of beaut.ie is unfortunate. To make two - well now, that's just careless. Lay off the St Tropez, please! You're from Dublin, love. Not Dubai!

It occurs to me that maybe this is why her and Brian split - every time they went to Woodies he lost her among the terracotta plant pots.

jessie wallaceJessie Wallace

After featuring in countless magazine articles mocking her perma-tan, you'd think Ms Wallace might take a hint and revert to pale and interesting. No chance. I think she's seen so many sunbeds at this stage that her DNA has mutated.

jodie marsh But the prize has got to go to Jodie Marsh - on a scale of one to Oompa Loompa - she is an eleven.

Ms Marsh is so ridiculously orange all of the time that I can definitively say she is the winner - and we certainly get to see enough of her Fake Baked flesh to be able to make this judgement with the swiftness.


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