In all the furore of Kit Harington arriving in Belfast yesterday, it was easy to miss this piece of casting news. Now that we've had time to process it, however, we were delighted to hear that yet another Irish actor has been cast in Game of Thrones, joining the likes of Aidan Gillen, Liam Cunningham and Michael McElhatton.
The actor in question is Eddie Jackson from Dublin... yeah we don't know who he is either but apparently he worked on Vikings and has written and produced short films.
His agency, Alex Cusack Management, tweeted out the news saying; "Congrats to my man Eddie Jackson who has landed a role in Game of Thrones. Belfast this week and Spain in October!"
There he is now...
No word as of yet as to who he will play though, and given that he will be in two different filming locations, we can only assume it must be a decent enough role, as much of Castle Black, Winterfell and the likes are filmed in Belfast, while Spain hosts the more sunnier locations such as Dorne.
So in summary, he'll get around, whoever he is. Any of you book readers out there care to speculate?