And the burning question is: will they write it into the show?
Grey's Anatomy has a history of dramatic storylines (meaning no one can stay happy for too long). But maybe Jo and Alex will have some good news if they write in Camilla Luddington's newly announced pregnancy?
She revealed the happy occasion on Instagram, writing: "I am SO excited to FINALLY share with you all news that I've managed to keep secret for what seems like forever now... I am pregnant!!!!!! This girl gets to be a "cool mom" ha! We are beyond happy and I cannot wait to bring you all on this journey with me!!!! I'll be posting progress pics as the weeks go on but for now I figured I'd post this pumpkin because come spring I'll have a belly that size. So much love to you all. And nods of respect to the few of you who guessed right in the past few months- yes I saw your comments on that ellen/me video!! Love,
Camilla xxxx"
The little one's father is Camilla's partner actor Matthew Alan.