Brace yourselves. And obviously avoid this article if you want episode nine of upcoming season 6 to remain a mystery... Details have emerged, via the Games of Thrones fan site Watchers On The Wall, regarding Kit Harington's upcoming scenes - you know, despite Jon Snow being definitely 'dead'.
The site, which comes across with six spoilers in their article, had this to say regarding the driving force of Snow (apologies). GOT "is filming portions of a massive battle in Saintfield, Northern Ireland, that will likely be a part of episode nine. Preparations and the beginning of filming were seen in that area recently, but it was difficult to glean many details. We’ve learned that the battle will involve many northern armies fighting including the Umbers, the Boltons, wildlings and more! The true major spoiler is this: Kit Harington a.k.a Jon Snow was also seen at the location, participating in shooting this week. Harington has been spotted in Belfast again recently (back in July, news of which has been WIDELY reported), along with Iwan Rheon, so it’s not too shocking Harington is filming Game of Thrones. Looks like Game of Thrones is planning another huge battle for the ever-important episode nine. I won’t call it the biggest one of all yet, not unless dragons show up. Have not heard anything about dragons showing up, alas."
It's ok, we only have another FOREVER to wait.
In other GOT news, Maisie Williams enjoys rocking her post-filming frizz. She's also released her own YouTube channel - in case you blanked out most of Tuesday due to post-Picnic fear.
The closest we get to emulating this look is a nice case of bed head. Have you ever gotten out of bed, clock the hair in the bathroom mirror and said "Bonus, one less thing I've to do today... couldn't get this look if I tried"?