We're always shouting about SPF, drinking water and doing some gentle exercise. But if there is one thing you do for your health, it's to put down that cigarette. Yes, smoking is a tough habit to break, and while there are plenty of deterrents already, this Vine pretty much sums up one of the best reasons why you should do your best to give it up.
We all know that cigarettes will affect your lung capacity, and there are plenty of notices on the packs showing you some pretty grim-looking lungs that are in a bad way. This Vine however, shows exactly what it looks like inside your body when you try and take a deep breath if you're a smoker, and what inhaling all that tobacco is doing to your lungs when compared to a healthy pair.
[vine id="MQFhz5AOMZI"]
Are you a smoker trying to give up or do you live with a smoker who is trying to do so? Or have you managed to kick the habit? What helped you in your battle against the nicotine cravings? Share your tips in the comments!