FitFlops are Back!

fitflopFirst time round, FitFlops sparked a feeding frenzy of Boots Protect and Perfect proportions, with ladies scrambling over each other to get their lamhs on a pair of these fab flip flops that help to tone ass and thighs - just by wearing them!

And the good news is, if you didn't get a pair earlier on in the 'summer', you've got another chance. They're back, and they're available inBrazil Body Sportswear shop in Powerscourt in Dublin, as well as Arnotts and I also spotted them in Harvey Nicks yesterday too.

But what are they actually like? Well, I have a pair and they are just the most comfortable things ever. Yep, they're not the sexiest of footwear, this is true, but I wear mine out walking and they really give you a workout - your muscles feel like they've been used - and that's good! I've polled a couple of other people I know who have them, and the verdict is unanimous - supremely comfortable, and the toning effect is a brilliant extra bonus. Not bad for €55 a pair, eh?


If you want to find out about stockists in your area, phone 01 6745916 or email

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