If anyone has genuinely earned the label of diva, it’s Mariah Carey. In this case, I mean both definitions of the word, in that she’s a phenomenally talented singer and also a high-maintenance princess. But with a track record as incredible as hers, I’m inclined to think that she can do whatever the hell she wants, she’s been working her ass off for twenty years, has a five octave range and as many number one hits as Elvis, for feck’s sake.
It might be a while since she released a song as vocally spectacular as her hits from the mid to late Nineties, (say what you like, but Fantasy and Dreamlover are TUNES) when her videos consisted of her rollerblading in denim cut-off shorts, but Mariah remains a totally fascinating public figure.
She’s been married to Nick Cannon for five years and they’ve managed to renew their vows four times since then, only missing out on one year due to their twins being born on the couple’s third anniversary. They essentially have a yearly wedding. Anyway, the most recent vow renewal was a wonderfully over-the-top affair, which involved shutting down Disneyland for the ceremony, and Mariah arriving in a Cinderella style carriage with her daughter, while Nick waited for her with their son, both dressed in matching Prince Charming outfits. Obviously.
While some derided her choice of venue and the fact that they were renewing vows at all, I say more power to her. If I was rich enough to shut down a theme park and have it to myself with all my favourite people you can be damn sure I’d do just that.
However, I think one of my favourite things about Mariah is the fact that she has a website dedicated to photos of her and Nick’s adorable twins, Moroccan and Monroe. Actually, that’s not it, it’s the fact that she named the site dembabies.com and uses a dembabies hashtag whenever she mentions them on Twitter. Oh Mariah. I think she’s secretly a comedy genius.#
Her ongoing spats with fellow American Idol judge, Nicki Minaj are the kind of thing that tv executives would sell their souls for, and while it’s probably all staged, watching them bicker over Mean Girls quotes is compellingly surreal.
Not to mention this exchange, when a contestant proclaimed that All I Want for Christmas “is the best modern-day Christmas song." (Which it totally is.)
Nicki: "It sure was, wasn't it, Mike?"
Mariah: "Still is, dahling! No. 1 last year. Seventeen years later, it's still No. 1."
You go Mariah!
I think she’s brilliant. She’s earned her success, she’s extravagant and decadent and has the talent to back it up, both writing and producing her own songs, which is quite rare in a female pop star.
So what do you make of La Carey? Do you revel in her delightful glitter queen ways, find her insufferable, or have you not paid any attention to her since the late Nineties? To the comments!